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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Google Ads on YouTube

In an earlier post, I suggested companies to pay YouTube users who have viral videos in their early viral stages (while it's still spreading across the web at a very high rate) for advertising purposes. Google is now doing this. Google is using popular videos as an advertising space for online advertising.

I love this idea as they're really taking advantage of web 2.0, and making loads of money off the value that mass collaborations bring. A whole new route for online advertising has been built! I wonder how much money will Google make off this.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i find it difficult to wrap my head around google's revenue method. Hard to imagine that making a few cents off an impression can really make them BILLIONS! On that note though, it is a great application of web 2.0 and I look forward to seeing how they take Youtube one step further in tailoring ads to the members uniquely based on their interests.
